Erotica, Pornography and the Obscene in Europe

University of Warwick, UK. April 10-12, 2013

This three day interdisciplinary conference seeks to bring together scholars of all levels who discuss material oft talked about, rarely read. The conference aims to draw out key debates in the study of erotica, pornography and the obscene, in the context of sex and sexuality in Europe, 1600-1900. The conference organisers welcome research papers on literature, print, objects, philosophy or individuals that deal directly with material that has been considered ‘hidden’ away or perceived to be ‘unfit for modest ears’.

Topics and questions considered for day one and two could include, but are by no means limited to:
  • The Marquis de Sade in the British context.
  • The influence of the Obscene Publications Act (1857) on the printing industry.
  • The relationship between text and visual representation.
  • Representations of bawdy and lewd houses.
  • How was erotica, pornography or the obscene distributed?
  • Sex and Politics
  • Or, any paper on intellectual or moral theory surrounding the theme of this conference.
Please submit a 250 word abstract for a 20-25min paper by the 19th October to

Day three of this confernces seeks to bring together academic research with current cultural and social debates surrounding the theme of this conference.
This organiser welcomes submissions for round table discussion, readings or papers on topics such as, but by no mean limited to:
  • The Sex Industry
  • The Regualtion of Pornography
  • UK and European Law
  • Religious and Moral Concerns
  • Sexualities
Please submit an abstract or proposal, with an estimated time plan, by the 19th October to


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