
Showing posts from October, 2006

Journal: Museums and Social Issues

Journal: Early Popular Visual Culture

Research Seminar: Representing the people's stories

What is art?

CFP: Seminars in the History of Collecting 2007

Human remains

A few conference alerts and CFPs and other stuff for Friday morning...

A few conference alerts and CFPs for Thursday morning...

Boring theoretical stuff made kind of fun!

Conference Alert: FLUX: Art History, Cinema, Classics and Archaeology

STOP PRESS! Amazing new photos...


Recent Stuff: Conference Alerts and other bits and pieces...part 3

Recent Stuff: Conference Alerts and other bits and pieces...part 2

Recent Stuff: Conference Alerts and other bits and pieces

A temporary hiatus

Audio Slideshow: David Hockney

One Day in History: National Blogging Event

A selection of conference alerts and calls for papers

Conference Alert: Slavery and Public History

Conference Alert: Respect for Ancient British Human Remains: Philosophy and Practice

Turner Prize 2006: Audio Slideshow (BBC)

Conference Alert/CFP: Repatriation of Cultural Heritage

A compendium of calls for papers and alerts

Workshop: Books, Scrapbooks and Albums

A bit of light relief