
Showing posts from October, 2008


Facebook for Academics

University of Leicester - Officially 'University of the Year'

The Collecting Bug

Blatant plug!

CFP: Museums and biographies

Conference Alert: Migration in Museums

Toshiba Lectures in Japanese Art

The Creationist Sideshow

Brown Bag Seminar Wednesday 10 October 2008

Conference Alert: Defining Museum Ethics

Publications: museum and society, July 2008

CFP: Rethinking the Maritime Museum

CFP/Symposium: Building

Conference: Intersections

Seminar/Funding Opportunity: Contemporary Art and the Global Age

CP: Popular Culture Association National Conference


PhD Revels

Public debate: Researching the arts - why bother?

Symposium: The History of the Modern Art Museum

Conference Alert/CFP: Tourism, Heritage and Cultures of the Seaside

CFP: Material Culture and Geography

Conference Alert: 8th European Conference on Research for Protection, Conservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage