
Showing posts from 2008

Happy New Year!

New Photo Resource Online

Material Worlds: A belated review of the conference at the University of Leicester, 15-17 December 2008

An Attic Advent: Day 25

An Attic Advent: Day 24

An Attic Advent: Day 23

An Attic Advent: Day 22

Attic Advent Multicultural Intervention, part 2

Attic Advent Multicultural Intervention

An Attic Advent: Day 21

An Attic Advent: Day 20

A long long way off Topic - A Review of 'Twilight'

Museum Studies @ Leicester: Open Day

An Attic Advent: Day 19

More good news, for prospective PhD students

An Attic Advent: Day 18

RAE Success

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Material Worlds: An Epilogue

An Attic Advent: Day 17

Attic Event: Advent Day 16

Conference Alert: Jewish Cultural Treasures in Europe After the Holocaust

An Attic Advent: Day 15

An Attic Advent: Day 14

Material Worlds blog

An Attic Advent: Day 13

PhD Christmas Revels

CFP/Publication: University of St Andrews Postgraduate Journal of Art History and Museum Studies

An Attic Advent: Day 12

An Attic Advent: Day 11

An Attic Advent: Day 10

Conference Alert: Tourist Experiences - Meanings, Motivations, Behaviours

Webcast TODAY: How The National Gallery of London Manages Image & Document Libraries

An Attic Advent: Day 9

An Attic Advent: Day 8

An Attic Advent: Day 7

An Attic Advent: Day 6

An Attic Advent: Day 5

Brilliant opportunity to get your work published!

Conference Alert: Traditions and Transformations

Museum Study Days at the British Museum

An Attic Advent: Day 4

An Attic Advent: Day 3

An Attic Advent: Day 2

An Attic Advent: Day 1

The Fetishism of Artefacts

After NaMu

Kim Cattrall poses in Diana and Actaeon recreation

CFP: Histories of Misunderstanding

Brown Bag Seminar Programme: Date for your diaries

CFP: The Heritage Theatre

CFP: Location/Dislocation

CFP: The Public Life of Things

Podcast #1: Cold War Modern (15/11)

A trip to London by Arthur Schopenhauer (the fingerpuppet)

Conference Alert: Museum Ethics