
Showing posts from June, 2008

Reflections on NaMu: Day 2, Part 1

Conference Alert/CFP: New Professionals 2008

CFP: Curating Difficult Knowledge

Survey: Conservation Approaches to Unprovenanced Antiquities

Curioser and curioser...

A gentle reminder...

PVSD: Post-Viva Stress Disorder

New Poll Alert!

Conference Alert: Dress & the Natural World

Reflections on NaMu: Day 1

Conference Alert: Representing the Everday in American Visual Culture

Bursaries to attend EVA London 2008

CFP/Publication: Digital Convergence

Conference Alert: Explaining Musical Instruments at a Museum

Is there life beyond a PhD?

China Landscape @ the British Museum

New MA Distance-learning blog

Writing Opportunity: Journal of Museum Ethnography Book Reviews


CFP: Museum Education Monitor (MEM)

PhD Research Week Review: Day 2, Afternoon session

Sculpture in the Garden 2008

I expect we could all do with a bit of motivation...

News snippets...

CFP/Conference Alert: Traditions and Transformations

CFP/Conference Alert: Places of Meaning, Meaning in Place

Publication/CFP: Exhibitionist

Call for Participation: Museums & Sustainable Heritage Development