
Showing posts from January, 2010

Heritage Damage in Haiti - a Provisional Survey (Th. Schuler)

Museums and the Market (Leeds/UK, 10-11 September 2010)

Crisis and Imagination (Maynooth/IE, 24-27 August 2010)

Publication: Museums - Inclusion - Engagement

Lecture series: Translating Knowledge. Global Perspectives on Museum and Community (University of Michigan)

CFP: Learning at the Interface

Death, Commemoration and Memory Conference, Edinburgh 24-25th June

The Material Life of Things Seminar Group

It's The Arts! (The missing panel from NHL)


Using Material Culture to Recreate Early Mordern Kinship Networks and Political Alliences

"Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves..."

The Plenary Speech

"The Area Told As A Story"

Applying Contemporary Criminological Theory to HIstorical Research

"Will the Real George Mellor Please Stand Up?"

"It's Not Really Glamorous At All"

Using Replicant Technology as an Aid to Understanding Television History

What is the value of "Interdisciplinarity"?

Blogging from the New History Lab!

Transcending the Boundaries

Museums at Night

CFP: 1st International Conference of Photography and Theory

Follow A Museum Day!

Cambridge Classics Seminars

NHL: publish or perish - this Friday

Student Event: Collection Conversations


CFP: Ideas of India in Britain 1857-1947

The Art of Murder (London, Jan-May 10)

Museums and the Market (Leeds, 10-11 Sept 10)

Heritage sites on Google Street View