Toshiba Lectures in Japanese Art

Kanagawa in Camberwell, by Yersinia
I regularly receive updates from SISJAC, and in the most recent mailing I came across something that might be of interest to some of you. In November SISJAC are presenting a series of free lectures, open to all, at their base in Norwich and various locations in London, on aspects of Hokusai's 'Great Wave of Kanagawa.'
On 13th November at 6.15pm in the Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Christine Guth will be giving a lecture entitled 'The Great Wave and the Global Museum,' which will look at the role of museums in the popularisation of the image, and on 20th November at 6pm, she will be concluding the lecture series with 'Celebrity Collectors and Hokusai's Great Wave,' which focuses (and, I quote) 'on the circulation of impressions of this print in nineteenth-century France, and the roles of the artist, writer, and composer Claude Monet, Edmund de Goncourt, and Claude Debussy in laying the foundations for "The Great Wave's" status as a modern masterpiece.'
For more info, see here.