anticurate - An Interesting Project for You...

macBirmingham, the new arts centre in the city, are running anticurate - an experiment in collaborative curation between arts centre 'anticurators' and artists. The Open Day for artwork submission is, unfortunately, today, but non the less, I think this would be an interesting thing for anyone in the area to visit, and review how well such an 'experiment' worked. mac is an interesting project in itself - and they always seem to have plenty of interesting stuff on, from art exhibitions, workshops, theatre performances. It just reflects the revitalization which is going on in a much, and in many ways wrongly, denigrated city. Anyway, enough from me. Here's the stuff from the website...

anticurate is imagined as mac birmingham’s version of an open exhibition. In association with mac birmingham, artist Trevor Pitt has devised the anticurate project as a platform to explore democratic and collective approaches to exhibition curating.

Over six weeks mac birmingham’s main gallery will host six unique exhibitions that will be selected from artworks submitted at the anticurate Open Day 9 July.

Each exhibition will be organised by groups that we have invited to curate an exhibition that we are calling ‘anticurators’.

To create their unique exhibitions the anticurators will be using a flexible exhibition structure and space that has been specially designed by Juneau Projects for anticurate, and they will be supported by independent curators Charlie Levine and Trevor Pitt, the exhibitions team and Producers at mac birmingham.

In the sixth and final week, all works submitted will be displayed so all artwork submitted it will be guaranteed to be seen.

Exhibition 1: Thu 4-Sun 7 Aug

Selected by members of the Extra Special People professional development programme at Eastside Projects: Alison Tarry and Tim Stock.

Preview Wed 3 Aug 6pm

Exhibition project 2: Thu 11- Sun 14 Aug

Selected by members of mac birmingham staff

Preview Wed 10 Aug 6pm

Exhibition project 3: Thu 18- Sun 21 Aug

Selected by members of Ikon Youth Programme and Project Platform

Preview Wed 17 Aug 6pm

Exhibition project 4: Thu 25-Sun 28 Aug

Selected by members of Young at Heart

Preview Wed 24 Aug 6pm

Exhibition project 5: Thu 1- Sun 4 Sep

Selected by Carli Frances and Rosie Carmichael of No Aloha arts collective.

Preview Wed 31 Aug 6pm

Exhibition project 6: Thu 8- Sun 11 Sep

All artworks will be exhibited

Preview Wed 7 Sep 6pm


Charlie Levine said…
you can also submit this coming Wednesday (13th) - check the mac website for times
Jenny said…
Thanks Charlie, that's great!