CFP: Patronage and Collecting, A Tribute to Western Culture
From H-ArtHist:
Jewish Patronage and Modernism
The Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg , i.e. the chair for Jewish Art (Prof. Dr. Annette Weber) and the Ignatz-Bubis-Chair (Prof. Dr.Johannes Heil) are planning to hold an international and interdisciplinary symposium in cooperation with the Chair of Modern ArtHistory (Prof. Dr. Raphael Rosenberg) of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from May 30th to June 1st 2007 entitled PATRONAGE and COLLECTING, A TRIBUTE TO WESTERN CULTURE. Jewish Patronage and Modernism. The symposium aims to address an important but only partially explored dimension of European Jewish history and culture in order to present a new approach to the idea of Jewish collecting and art dealing. The symposium will explore the strategies of dealing and collecting aimed at integration, self-assertion and cultural identity. The symposium will consist of the following sections: 1. Jewish collectors in the Age of Emancipation; their socio-political strategies of collecting; the role of the Rothschild Family for theformation of the modern collector.2. Jewish collectors as a cultural avant-garde; collecting as a mean of self-assertion but as well as a refuge form the conflict between political loyalty and modernity. One focus would be the role of avant-garde art dealers in the formation of a new taste for art. 3. Collecting as a manifestation of Jewish Identity in modern times; acomparison of the installation of European Jewish museum before and after the Shoah. In what degree did the Shoah affect collecting of Jewish art and artefacts?
Prof. Dr. Annette Weber,Lehrstuhl für Jüdische KunstHochschule für Jüdische Studien, Friedrichstr. 9 , D 69117 HeidelbergTel: +49 (0)6221-4385118 Fax:+49 (0)6221-4385129e-mail:
Symposiums sekretariat:Jihan Radjai, MA. Adresse: wie obenemail:
Jewish Patronage and Modernism
The Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg , i.e. the chair for Jewish Art (Prof. Dr. Annette Weber) and the Ignatz-Bubis-Chair (Prof. Dr.Johannes Heil) are planning to hold an international and interdisciplinary symposium in cooperation with the Chair of Modern ArtHistory (Prof. Dr. Raphael Rosenberg) of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg from May 30th to June 1st 2007 entitled PATRONAGE and COLLECTING, A TRIBUTE TO WESTERN CULTURE. Jewish Patronage and Modernism. The symposium aims to address an important but only partially explored dimension of European Jewish history and culture in order to present a new approach to the idea of Jewish collecting and art dealing. The symposium will explore the strategies of dealing and collecting aimed at integration, self-assertion and cultural identity. The symposium will consist of the following sections: 1. Jewish collectors in the Age of Emancipation; their socio-political strategies of collecting; the role of the Rothschild Family for theformation of the modern collector.2. Jewish collectors as a cultural avant-garde; collecting as a mean of self-assertion but as well as a refuge form the conflict between political loyalty and modernity. One focus would be the role of avant-garde art dealers in the formation of a new taste for art. 3. Collecting as a manifestation of Jewish Identity in modern times; acomparison of the installation of European Jewish museum before and after the Shoah. In what degree did the Shoah affect collecting of Jewish art and artefacts?
Prof. Dr. Annette Weber,Lehrstuhl für Jüdische KunstHochschule für Jüdische Studien, Friedrichstr. 9 , D 69117 HeidelbergTel: +49 (0)6221-4385118 Fax:+49 (0)6221-4385129e-mail:
Symposiums sekretariat:Jihan Radjai, MA. Adresse: wie obenemail: