Conference Alert: World Art: Ways Forward

From H-ArtHist:


Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts
University of East Anglia, Norwich

September 7 and 8, 2007

You are invited to a major international conference on one of the most urgent issues facing all those concerned with the study, preservation and display of art.

None of the disciplines and institutions that frame our study of
visual and material culture were designed to deal with art as a
worldwide phenomenon with a forty thousand year history. Given art’s
variety across time and space and the powerful interest it evokes
globally, this situation is increasingly seen as unsatisfactory. As
a result, practitioners of academic disciplines such as archaeology,
anthropology, art history, visual culture studies and museology, and
the staff of institutions such as museums, galleries and biennales,
are seeking to create a new context for discussion and action.

This conference brings together some of the leading voices in this
emerging debate. Some will speak on behalf of their institutions
and disciplines, others more personally. The issues they raise will
be both theoretical and practical. They are of direct concern for
anyone seeking to understand, explain or otherwise present art as a
worldwide phenomenon. They should also be of concern to the most
focused specialist in the art of Europe or anyother region, since the
art of any particular place and time yields more interest and
information when related to the totality of artistic behaviour. All
art has greater significance when thought of as ‘World Art’.

Whatever the conclusions of individuals on this and other topics, the
ideas and data brought to the conference and disseminated from it are
likely to influence the practices of those working in universities,
museums and other institutions worldwide in the years to come.
They will affect everybody’s experience of art.

Organised by John Onians email: 01603-610195

To register contact Shawn Alexander

Conference Programmme

Friday September 7th

Ways Forward in the Museum

11.00 Neil MacGregor, British Museum
11.30 Ivan Gaskell, Harvard University Museums,
12.00 Germain Loumpet, University of Yaounde
12.30 Discussion
1.00 Lunch

Ways Forward in the University

2.00 Craig Clunas, Oxford University
2.30 Nicholas Thomas, Cambridge University
3.00 Whitney Davis, University of California, Berkeley
3.30 Sandra Klopper, Stellenbosch University
4.00 Tea
4.30 Akira Akiyama, Tokyo University

Ways forward in the University: World Art Studies

5.00 John Mack,University of East Anglia
5.30 Kitty Zijlmans, Leiden University
6.00 Discussion

7.30 Conference Dinner SCVA Restaurant

Saturday September 8th

Ways Forward in the Disciplines

10.00 Wilfried van Damme, Leiden University
10.30 Susanne Kuechler, University College, London Coffee
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Thomas da Costa Kaufmann, Princeton University
12.00 John Onians, University of East Anglia
12.30 Discussion
1.00 Lunch

Personal Ways Forward

2.00 David Carrier, Case Western Reserve University
2.30 Yiqiang Cao, China National Academy of Art, Hangzhou
3.00 Terry Smith, University of Pittsburgh
3.30 David Summers, University of Virginia
4.00 Tea
4.30 Discussion
5.00 Views and opinions from the audience
6.00 Final Reception
7. 00 Hot buffet supper


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