What do Museum Studies PhDs look like?
On Wednesday, instead of our usual Research Seminar, we had a kind of PhD student surgery, where those of us who could make it, had a good chat about our research. That will be of very little interest to anyone outside our own little community ( if you are really that interested, you can find out more by reading our online profiles), but I thought it was a good opportunity to share a few more photographs of us all doing scholarly type things, as opposed to the more usual eating, museum 'crawling' or drinking alcohol. ;)
Ceri and Mette don't normally look this serious!
Viv does her bit to 'push' the new issue of Museological Review.
Magnus explains it all, while Kouros looks on.
Anna tells of trials and tribulations.
Mette gives us the Danish perspective.
Ceri and Mette don't normally look this serious!

Chulani, the Department 'newbie' presents her initial plans.