Conference Alert/CFP: Material Worlds

Material Worlds

A conference in honour of Professor Susan Pearce
University of Leicester
15-17 December 2008

Professor Susan Pearce is an internationally renowned professor of museum studies and historical archaeologist, who has had a long and important association with material culture studies both within and beyond the museum.

The University of Leicester’s Department of Museum Studies plans to honour Professor Pearce’s contribution to the field with a significant material culture studies conference and the subsequent publication of a volume of essays based on the conference papers. Both the conference and the volume will explore agenda in theoretically-oriented material culture studies. We are now inviting the submission of abstracts. Presentations will address or inform approaches to theorising relationships between people and the material world. The range of potential themes is broad, and might include embodied experience and sensory engagements, the agency of – and distinctions between – objects and persons, the construction of value, etc.

In keeping with Professor Pearce’s own interdisciplinarity, proposals in this area are warmly welcomed from those working on the cutting-edge of object studies not only in archaeology, anthropology and museum studies, but also in a wide range of other disciplines including history, management and organisational studies, geography, literary studies, sociology, philosophy, art history, science technology studies, natural sciences and beyond.


Abstracts of 300-450 words should be sent to the conference convenor, Sandra Dudley, by 29 February 2008. Any enquiries about the scope of conference may also be sent to the convenor. A draft conference programme will be available here after the end of March 2008.


Conference registration forms will be available from March 2008. Interest in – and enquiries about – attending may be sent to Barbara Lloyd.

Full conference fee including lunches and refreshments: £150 (concessions £90; daily rates also available)

Bed and breakfast: £50/night
Dinner, including main conference dinner: £20/night


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