Special Option Module Museum Management: Politics and Policy (University of Leicester, Department of Museum Studies)

Shameless self-promotion! ;)

The University of Leicester, Department of Museum Studies is offering a new Special Option Module for its campus based programmes, for 2009-10:

Museum Management: Politics and Policy

This option will deliver a high level understanding of the theoretical discussions which inform key contemporary cultural policy debates and an understanding of the development and delivery of strategic museum policy. Thus, this option will have both a theoretical and practical orientation. It will involve analysis and discussion of cultural and museum theory and analysis and discussion of gray literature (policy, strategy, reports).

The option will involve detailed consideration of key issues in relation to museum politics and policy such as: what is the public value of the museum; should museums be used for instrumental ends or is this a betrayal of their real function; who is the museum visitor and who is the non-visitor, does not going to museums matter? How can museums respond to the needs of their funders while maintaining and developing their own programming aims?

See http://www.le.ac.uk/ms/study/Management-Politics&Policy.html for details of the Special Option Module and http://www.le.ac.uk/ms/study/study.html for all our programmes of study.

Jim Roberts

University of Leicester
Department of Museum Studies


+44 (0)116 252 3961

The University of Leicester's Department of Museum Studies has the highest
proportion of world-leading research in any subject in any UK university
(RAE 2008)

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