Bands with Museum in the title

After Amy's Spotify playlist of songs about museums, this band caught my eye in The Guardian because they actually have museum in their name, albeit in French - Musee Mecanique. Paul Lester hails them as 'hushed and gentle, elegant and restrained' and they play multiple instruments, sometimes more than one together. It seems that they are actually named after a museum in San Francisco called, yes you've guessed it, the Musee Mecanique which has 'one of the world's largest privately owned collections of mechanically operated musical instruments and antique arcade machines' - visit their website here for more.


Jenny said…
Is it wrong that I think the Museum looks terrifying but that the music is REALLY pretty?
Jenny said…
Oh Ceri, have you ever listened to Cinema Strange? You might like them...
Ceri said…
No I have not encountered them will have a look out thanks!

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