Podcast opinion poll

Via Museum-L:

Dear Colleagues,

AAM is currently working on developing an AAM Podcast and Teleconference program. To help us know more about what you might want/need from programs like this, we’ve developed a short survey to learn more about our audience and their podcast experiences. Thanks for taking five minutes to tell us about your current podcast use and preferences by completing the survey here. http://www.magnetmail.net/forms/display_form.cfm?uid=Museum&fid=23266&rtype=nonmm

Please feel free to share this message with colleagues who might be interested!


Greg Stevens
Assistant Director, Professional Development
American Association of Museums
gstevens @ aam-us. org


Dr J said…
Further note from Greg:

Please forgive the reposting. It appears the AAM Podcast survey link I sent out yesterday was broken. Here is the real (working) link:


OR you can try this: http://ow.ly/1at52

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