CFP: The Now Museum

The Now Museum:
Contemporary Art, Curating Histories, and Alternative Models
Graduate Symposium, 13 March 2011
The Graduate Center at City University of New York, Independent Curators International (ICI) and the New Museum are organising a graduate symposium on the afternoon of Sunday 13 March 2011. The event will be chaired by Claire Bishop (CUNY Graduate Center), Kate Fowle (ICI) and Martin Grossman (University of São Paulo). The symposium is intended to accompany and form a graduate response to a main conference, held at CUNY Graduate Center and the New Museum on the three days beforehand (Thursday 10 and Saturday 12 March).
We are calling for 15-20 minute interventions (10 pages/2000 words) on topics relating to the following themes:
· The role of research in the contemporary museum
· The formation of historical narratives in contemporary collection hangs
· Contemporary museums versus art fairs and biennials
· Thinking beyond collections and cultural patrimony; new roles for the museum today
· The discursive museum and pedagogic practices
· Negotiating expanded global/local horizons in collection displays and temporary exhibitions
· Defining museum identities in non-Western contexts
Please submit your name, institutional affiliation, and paper (maximum 10 pages/2000 words, font size 12, 1.5 space) to Claire Bishop ( and Chelsea Haines ( by 1 February 2011. Accepted papers will be announced by February 16 2011.


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