CFP: Museums and National Identity

The Museum 2011. Building Identity: The Making of National Museums and Identity Politics
16-18 November 2011

Taipei, Taiwan

Papers for this conference are solicited on history and theory, empirical research, or reflections on museums in practice as related to national museums and identity politics from academics in a variety of fields.

The conference organisers are inviting proposals from delegates wishing to present 30-minute papers, or 90-minute colloquium sessions.

Those interested are welcome to submit related papers.

- Museums, nationalism and national identity
- Museum history and historiography
- Architecture and the construction of place and identity
- The re-making of National Museums
- Museum management and marketing
- Audience research and the roles of national museums

Who Should Attend?
- Museum practitioners
- Researchers
- Research students
- Policy makers

All those interested in presenting papers at the conference are requested to submit an abstract in English of their proposed paper by 15 March, 2011 by email attachment (the document should be made with Word 97-2003 compatible application) to Dr Yung-Neng Lin ( email: ).

The abstract should not exceed 500 words and should include the following information:
- Title of paper
- Author name(s)
- Affiliation and position
- Email address
- Abstract
- Keywords (up to five)

Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their proposals by the end of April 2011. Accepted authors must submit papers of between 2000 and 5000 words by 31 August 2011 by email to Dr. Yung-Neng Lin. All proposals, presentations and papers must be in English or Chinese.

Enquiries may be sent to: Dr Yung-Neng Lin, National Taipei University of Education



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