CFP: The Transformative Museum, May 2012, Denmark

DREAM (Danish Research Centre on Education and Advanced Media Materials) is very pleased to release the Call for Papers for its international conference The transformative museum: participation between place and space, to be held 23-25 May 2012 in Roskilde, Denmark.

Keynote speakers will include Kevin Crowley (director of the Center for Learning in Out-of-School Environments and an associate professor of education and psychology, University of Pittsburgh, US), James E. Katz (director of Center for Mobile Communication Studies,Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA), dr. Lynda Kelly (head of Web and Audience Research at the Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia), professor Gunnar Liestøl (Dept. of Media & Communication, University of Oslo), professor Angela McFarlane (director of Public Engagement and Learning, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK), and associate professor Ross Parry (Programme Director, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester).

Globalising trends in knowledge economies, digital participation and changing community needs catalyse transformations of museums, galleries and science centres. The conference will present a rich set of analyses of the current situation and raise important questions about the future for material and immaterial cultural and natural heritage. We invite research papers on the following topics:

* transforming modes of communication
* transforming visitor participation and learning
* transforming institutional organization
* transforming research methodologies

Submit your proposal now! The call for abstracts for research papers is now open. Check the submission guidelines on the conference website and submit before 6 January 2012.

Students and young scholars are invited to a one-day ph.d. course 22 May 2012. Here, you get a venue to meet with some of the main conference speakers, make a project presentation and participate in discussions on the conference topics. Check the submission guidelines on the conference website and submit before 6 January 2012.

Register soon and get attractive early-bird rates. Reduced fees apply for students. Online registration on the conference website

Check the conference site for updates.


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