Occupation and protest: documenting social unrest
Occupation and protest: documenting social unrest
The Museum of London is hosting a discussion on the 26 March, the anniversary of the March for the Alternative, to debate the role of museums in collecting items relating to social unrest. The discussion will be hosted by a panel including Turner Prize-winning artist Jeremy Deller and the Museum’s Director of Collections, Cathy Ross.
The panel will consider how recent social protests and unrest, including Occupy London and the summer riots, can be documented for future generations and which objects should be preserved to tell these stories. The Museum of London has acquired several placards from last spring's March for the Alternative, a copy of the Occupy Times and banners from the Occupy London camp into our collection; many of which will be on display on the evening.
Museum of London Director of Collections, Cathy Ross, said: “The Museum has a long history of collecting protest material, from the Suffragettes in the early 20th century to the anti-road ‘No M11’ protests in the 1990s. It’s a collecting area that raises interesting theoretical and practical issues for us as a city museum, and is particularly topical at the moment, given the debate around Occupy”.
Occupation and protest: documenting social unrest takes place on the 26 March from 19.00 - 20.45 and costs £6.
Fee £6 (concs £5) advanced booking required 020 7001 9844
Dates and times
Monday, 26 March, 19.00 - 20.45 (including panel discussion 19.00 - 20.00 and reception and object viewing 20.00 - 20.45)
To book call 020 7001 9844 or see the Museum of London website