Virtual Tour of the Ashmolean

I was dossing about on the Internet this afternoon, ostensibly - but rather half-heartedly - researching a book review I'm supposed to be writing at the moment, and I came across this. 360 degree panoramas of individual galleries at the Ashmolean that you can navigate around, zooming in and out on anything that catches your eye. You can even get close enough to nearly read individual labels. Go on - have a look. It's fabulous! Rather defeats the object of visiting the museum in person, but as someone not keen on travel, this kind of access suits me down to the ground!

(Requires Apple's QuickTime for Mac OS or MS Windows)


Unknown said…
That's amazing. It's just a pity you can't zoom in on the objects as well so you really know what you're looking at. It's great to be able to see Tradescant's rarities - a unique display in terms of museum history. The porcelain made me yawn just to look at it; nothing I like less about museums than cabinets stuffed full of plates with very little attempt at engaging the non-specialist visitor, by the looks of it (and I don't remember ever venturing in there, despite having once worked with the museum on a project). But why are the panoramas hosted by the university chemistry department I wonder? It would be interesting to know if this is the fruit of a collaboration.

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