Conference Alert: The Globe in a Glass Case

From the ICOM listserv:

The Globe in a Glass Case
Ethnographic Collections in Ireland

National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin

Friday 11 - Saturday 12 May 2007

What makes a collection 'ethnographic'? How should we present these collections? How should a museum make the link between the objects and the people who crafted them? What is the future of ethnographic collecting?

Ireland is home to a large number of ethnographic collections and objects, both in the hands of the state and of private collectors. Only a small proportion of this material however is actually on public view. This conference will try to draw attention to this material, and has brought together some prominent invited speakers, respected experts in their field who represent major museums, to discuss this material in the light of the most recent contemporary debates about collecting and the treatment of material heritage.

For more details, see the website at , or

Conference Organisers:

Dr Seamas O'Siochain, NUI Maynooth
Dr Pauline Garvey, NUI Maynooth
Dr Adam Drazin, Trinity College Dublin


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