WANTED! Abstracts for the Autumn Issue of the Museological Review

Just a gentle reminder that we are still looking for abstracts for the Autumn issue of the Museological Review, a student journal edited by the PhDs based in the Department of Museum Studies at Leicester. The deadline for submissions is the end of April. See the link in the sidebar (i.e. 'Stop Press!!!') for more details. -------------------------------------->>>


Ceri said…
Honestly Amy I am going to submit something, however it might be very last minute ;)
The Attic said…
No probs Ceri - got your name down on my list! ;) Did my abstract this afternoon. But we need a few more - so, if anyone out there is interested, please feel free to submit something. We're happy to accept quite radical, experimental, 'left-field' work, btw. A good opportunity to get something published. Or, to develop some tangential idea you've had rattling round your head for a little while!