William Morris Gallery: Facebook campaign

Our regular readers will remember Ceri and I getting our knickers in a twist about the proposed cuts to the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow. The campaign to save the museum and its 'sister' institution Vestry House, is still very much alive, and a Facebook group has recently been set up for the social networking site's users to register their support. If you're already a Facebook account holder, search for 'Save the William Morris Gallery'. All are welcome to join. (With thanks to the official campaign website.)

Which reminds me, The Attic has its very own Facebook group! Regular readers - who are also students of museology, or allied subjects - are invited to join. I have this halcyon vision of it becoming a locus of furious, but good-natured, museological debate and equally vociferous networking! Again, if you would like to join, search for 'The Attic' and click the 'Join this group' button.


The Attic said…
BIG apologies. Just realised that only members of the University of Leicester network can join The Attic Facebook group. :(

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