ICOM Conference Session: Transformations

From H-Museum:

ICOM General Conference 2007 Vienna

Concurrent session: ICOM Cross Cultural Task Force

Theme: "Transformations: Museums and Cultural Diversity"

Time: 09.00 - 13.00 Wednesday, 22nd August 2007

Venue: NIG II, University of Vienna, Dr.Karl-Lueger Ring 1, 1010 Vienna


The integration of tangible and intangible heritage in museums continues to be a challenge that needs to be addressed worldwide. This requires a fundamental approach to connecting collections and communities in all their diversity. This concurrent session brings together directors of major museums and researchers across the world to discuss and debate methodological concerns based on their first hand experience in addressing heritage diversity and cultural diversity through the museum as critical cultural space. It is envisaged that their perspectives with be based on case studies at the level of the individual museums as well as national and regional experiences.


The aim of this session is to interrogate critical issues that need to be
addressed in bringing collections and their communities together within the
universal and local contexts of museums, with a particular focus on cultural

Convenor: Amareswar Galla, Chairperson, ICOM Cross Cultural Task Force and
Professor of Museum Studies, the University of Queensland, Brisbane

Moderators: W. Richard West, Jr. Director, National Museum of the American
Indian, The Smithsonian Institution; Tereza Scheiner, Coordinator -
Postgraduate Program in Museology and Heritage, Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil; and Pascal Makambila, Conservateur en chef des musées,



ICOM as an Inclusive Global Organisation

* Alissandra Cummins, President, ICOM and Director, Barbados Museums and
Historical Society, Barbados

Regional Diversity and Cultural Diversity

* Kapila Vatysayan, Vice Chair Indian National Cultural Council, Ministry of
Human Resource Development of India, New Delhi (To be confirmed)

* Museology and Diversity in Latin America
Nelly Decarolis, Director, Museums of Buenos Aires

* 'What Museums Africa' - Dealing with Diversity
George Okello Abungu, CEO of Okello Abungu Heritage Consultants and Kenya's
Rep. to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee and Lorna Abungu, former
Executive Director, AFRICOM

* Small island Countries and the Challenges pf Dealing with Pacific
Emmanuel Kasarhérou, Directeur, Agence de Développement de la Culture Kanak,
Centre culturel Tjibaou, Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie

11.00 -13.00pm

Museums, Diversity and Community Engagement

* Steven Engelsman, Director General, National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden

* Corazon Alvina, Director General, National Museum of the Philippines,

* Hongnam Kim, Director General, National Museum of Korea, Seoul

* Jatti Bredekamp, CEO, The Iziko Group of National Museums, Cape Town

Rethinking the Nature-Culture Binary in Museums - A Critique

* Michel Van-Praët, Conservateur général du patrimoine, Inspection générale
des Musées Direction des Musées de France, France

Intergenerational Challenges - Youth Perspectives

* Lina G Tahan, Lebanon/UK

* Bruno CĂ©sar Brulon Soares, Brazil

* Kim L Selling, Australia/Sweden

Anticipated Outcomes

* A framework for critical engagement in addressing museums, universal
heritage and cultural diversity

* Draft material for developing Strategic Recommendations for the General

* Action Plannning for the ICOM Cross Cultural Task Force

Contact: Amareswar Galla, a.galla@uq.edu.au


Dr Kim Selling
Project Officer
Cross Cultural Task Force
International Council of Museums, Paris

School of English, Media Studies and Art History
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia
tel: +61 7 3346 9804 fax: +61 7 3365 2799
email: museum@uq.edu.au

CRICOS Provider No: 00025B


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