CFP: The Contentious Museum

Call for Papers

'The Contentious Museum' conference will be held in Aberdeen on 20-21 November 2008. The sixth biennial University Museums in Scotland conference, it will draw together a variety of people with professional,academic and community interests in museums in Scotland and elsewhere.

Museums have become increasingly contentious places, engaging with debates on issues such as repatriation, genocide, slavery, censorship,power and the treatment of human remains. This conference will discuss how responding to such challenges enables museums to depart from tradition and embrace different ways of thinking, working and developing new audiences.

Proposals are invited for individual papers of 30 minutes. Proposals should take the form of an outline of the topic to be covered and the name and contact details of the proposer. It is intended that selected papers will be published in a special issue of Museum Management and Curatorship. Please indicate if you would like your paper considered for publication.

All proposals for sessions or individual papers must be received by 29 February 2008. An outline programme and booking form will be available from May 2008.

Further information is available from, and proposals should be sent to,Neil Curtis (contact details below).

Neil Curtis
Senior Curator
Marischal Museum
University of Aberdeen
Marischal College
Aberdeen AB10 1YS

T: (+44) 01224 274304
F: (+44) 01224 274302


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