Museums as a site of protest

I was interested to see that a couple of activists protesting against the recent Chinese crackdown in Tibet made use of the First Emperor exhibition at the BM this week, to publicise their campaign. Before anyone panics, the museum has confirmed that no damage was caused to the figures and, indeed according to anecdotal reports, many of their fellow visitors applauded their action.
Link to The Times' report
It's made me wonder about other, similar incidents, where museums and exhibitions have become the background to, or focus of, protests. Off the top of my head I can only think of one other example - in Los Angeles, where Cuban exiles protested outside a museum hosting the 'Che Guevara: Revolutionary & Icon' exhibition, which later travelled to the Victoria & Albert Museum. I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this post, but I'm sure there would be plenty of scope for considered enquiry. Hmmmm.....
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And what about the guy who smashed up Duchamps' 'Fountain' at the Pompidou Centre (can't remember when, 1980s sometime I think)?