Symposium: Museum, society and development

From H-Museum:


Museum, society and development
Friday May 16th 2008, 14.00 17.00 hrs.
Reinwardt Academy, Dapperstraat 315, Amsterdam

The Tropenmuseum (The Netherlands) in cooperation with CulturCooperation (Germany) would like to invite you to symposium on museum, society and development on may 16th, 2008. In this symposium, 12 young museum professionals from the South and Europe will discuss topics on the changing role of (national) museums in the south and their (ethnographic) counterparts in the north.

The purpose is to explore the role of museums which is increasingly under public scrutiny, both in Europe and in countries in the South. These institutions often have a much broader scope than just ethnography. What these types of museums do share is a founding history that relates to the colonial past, and the challenge to find ways to get beyond the institutional format and find new relevance for society. In Europe this means: responding to changing populations and expectations, taking a position in debates around illicit trade, repatriation of collections and the ethics of (re-)presentation. In the South the debate revolves around the role museums play in national development: museums are challenged to contribute to the solution of problems ranging from conflict resolution to poverty reduction. In both Europe and the South an important issue is community involvement and reaching target groups. Even if we have our policies in order, does anybody care? Do museums attract audiences; do they play a role in public debate?

Admission: free

Confirm attendance:


Drs. Anne Hardon

Information specialist Culture & Development
KIT Information & Library Services
T +31 (0)20 568 8288

Royal Tropical Institute
Mauritskade 63 [1092 AD]
P.O. Box 95001, 1090 HA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
F +31 (0)20 665 4423


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