Symposium: Museums Engaging Communities

From H-Museum:

Symposium and Workshop

Museums Engaging Communities
İstanbul Bilgi University
11-12 April 2008

The Netherlands Institute in Turkey and Istanbul Bilgi University will be organizing a two-day conference on museum education on April 11-12, 2008. In the light of changing practices in museum management, topics such as educational activities by museums, the museum's place in the social fabric of the city, potentials for participation of the interested public, new methods for targeting visitors, and not least the question how innovations in line with international trends in the field can be implemented with often rather limited budgets will be discussed in tandem by experts from museums in Turkey and the Netherlands.

Conference Program

April 11, 2008, Friday, Netherlands Institute in Turkey, İstiklal Caddesi,
Nuru Ziya Sokak 5, Beyoglu
April 12, 2008, Saturday, santralistanbul, Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik
Santrali, Kazım Karabekir Cad. 1, Eyüp

Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz Ünsal
santralistanbul, İstanbul Bilgi University, Art Management Program

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fokke Gerritsen
Netherlands Institute in Turkey

This symposium is made possible with financial support from the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Istanbul.


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