City Gallery Modifications

Here are some of the new plans for the City Gallery. Recently, it moved from Granby Street, and the new proposed site is New Walk. There will be a meeting at the town hall on the 29th March when the council discuss the plans. I wondered what you all thought, and thought myself that such local events are also worth highlighting.


Elee said…
It's always hard to tell from things like this, but I think it's pretty exciting for Leicester to be expanding it's contemporary gallery space. Plus, I think it's great that more is happening on New Walk. I really think there should be more going on along there. It has so many people walking along it, there really should be more cafes, bars and cultural shenannigans. And, conservative as it may seem, I think it's good that the plan is more "in keeping" with the feel of New Walk as it is.
Ceri said…
It is good to see that they are 'recycling' an existing building rather than building a new one and it will help to make New Walk more of a destination I suppose as there will be more than the museum to see. Plus the City Gallery was hidden away on Granby street as it blended in rather too well with the other shop fronts. New Walk has already been ruined in the 60s with some hideous building choices so something striking and modern might actually benefit it as there is nothing really contemporary in that area at the moment.
Dr J said…
I agree with Elee and Ceri; and I think it's a good idea to have two of the Leicester Museums more or less across the street from each other, for contrast's sake.

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