Young Curators

Look, kids! Museum work is fun! It's hip! People under 40 do it (even if they'd rather be making a film or pushing art prices up at Sotheby's...)! Check out the sexy bright young things profiled (with only a little sarcasm) by the New York Times here.


Dr J said…
I didn't notice this at first, but the article I linked to is actually part of a bigger museum special issue, in which you can find out such earth-shakingly stunning news as: museums have cafes that are accessible to the public; museum gift shops are a good place to propose to your culturally-inclined girlfriend; and, libraries collect stuff, too.
For more, see the first 3 search pages here:
Ceri said…
Crikey they might be coming to Museum Studies soon and saying that there are young people doing research and nobody wears corduroy...

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