Reflections on Writing-up #1

I have soooo much research material I don't know where to start...or end.


Dr J said…
How about putting together a word count breakdown: how many words will you need for your into? How many for your lit review? Conclusion? And then, distribute the stuff you have the most on within whatever is left. You'll find you don't actually have that much room to talk about anything, in the end, but it certainly takes the pressure off.
Another thing I find useful is to go through my unstructured notes and colour highlight things that fall under certain themes. That way, I know at a glance what belongs where, and which themes are stronger. Good way of easily reacquainting yourself with the material, too.
The Attic said…
Great suggestions there Julia - thanks! Sadly I favour an organic approach to writing, which is a fancy way of saying I make it up as I go along. If I try to be organised my brain just fights against it. I know, I'm my own worst enemy. I guess what I was trying to get across is the terrifying, overwhelming pile of notes I've accumulated over the last three and a bit years. I mean, how can you begin to keep it all in your head at the same time?
Dr J said…
You don't. You put them into multiple little piles, and eventually, order comes out of chaos. But you can still be organic about it - choose whatever pile inspires you!
The Attic said…
Guess what? I kind of gave it a go. I went through all my files of notes with a pad of post-its. Now, I just need to remember that I've done it! (Mind like a sieve at the moment.)

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