Festive round-up

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and didn't over-indulge too much. ;) Here's a quick round-up of stuff I've received over the last week or so.

First up is the new edition of museum & society - if you didn't receive Jim's email alert, you can sign-up to receive it on the website.

museum & society, november 2006, volume 4 no. 3

Monument to anti-monumentality: the space of the National Museum Australia
Uros Cvoro 116

England expects': Nelson as a symbol of local and national identity within the museum
Sheila Watson 129

Minor concerns: representations of children and childhood in British museums
Sharon Roberts 152

Review article: reviewing museum studies in the age of the reader- Gail Anderson (ed.) Reinventing the Museum. Historical and ContemporaryPerspectives on the Paradigm Shift- Bettina Messias Carbonell (ed.) Museum Studies. An Anthology of Contexts- Donald Preziosi and Claire Farago (eds) Grasping the World. The Idea ofthe Museum Sharon Macdonald 166

Book Reviews

Callum Storrie, The Delirious Museum: A Journey from the Louvre to Las Vegas
Janice Baker 173

Bruce Altshuler, ed. Collecting the New: Museums and Contemporary Art
Masaaki Morishita 175

From H-Museum:

Biennial conference,Transformations, renewals and reconfigurations in Southern African historical studies: only skin deep?
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
June 24-27, 2007

The aim of this conference is to focus on innovative research currently taking place in Southern African historical studies. We welcome the presentation of research on any period, whether it be in detail or sweeps broadly across themes and centuries. There is no doubt that there have been considerable changes in topics and approaches to historical studies and the 2007 conference provides an opportunity to showcase and discuss these.The Society would like to involve as many of its members as possible as well as anyone outside of the Society who is working on Southern African history.We invite papers and debates on the following topics:- New ways of writing / reading history since the 1980s;- HIV and AIDS: are historians in denial?- Land restitution: can history help or does it complicate the matter?- Crime and violence: Historical perspectives?- Urban history: new ways of understanding the city?- Landscape and the environment: the historian's business?- Science and the supernatural: how do historians write analytically about the supernatural and the forces of good and evil?- Heritage, archives and museums: why do they seem to be history's step-children rather than rightful heirs?- Oral history and memory: theorising, reevaluating, adjudicating and deployment.- Teaching, learning and institutional change: a new role of historians?- Gender: a more radical approach?- Identity and/or ethnicity: how do we see these concepts manifesting today?- Sport and history: what have historians been practicing lately?- The politics of sexual orientation: a new area for historical research?- Missions, religion and morals: time for a serious re-interpretation?- Local/regional economic developments and cooperation in Southern Africa since the 1990s.

Abstracts for papers, panels and roundtables will be accepted on a space-available basis until March 2nd 2007. The abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should be sent as an MS Word attachment. For proposals for panels and roundtables please include the names of participants, abstracts of their proposed contributions, their affiliations, email addresses and contact details. Papers should be submitted to the conference organizer as MS-Word documents and in hard copy by 25 May 2007.The conference registration fee is as follows: for members of the SAHS before 30 March R 800.00; after 30 March R 1000-00. Non-Members: before 30 March R 1200; after 30 March R 1400.Please distribute this call for papers to colleagues and graduate students who share an interest in these issues. Anyone proposing a paper and not ableto pay the registration fee or travel to Johannesburg should indicate their need to the conference organisers. All papers presented at the conference will be considered for inclusion in the South African Historical Journal.The conference email address, to which abstracts should be sent and all queries, is louisg@uj.ac.za Non-email enquiries should be addressed to either:Louis Grundlingh, Department of Historical Studies, University ofJohannesburg, PO Box 524, Aucklandpark, 2006, South Africa or Juan Klee, at27-11-489-3945; Fax: 27-11-489-2617

TAPE workshop on management of audiovisual collections
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18-24 April 2007

Librarians, archivists and curators in charge of audiovisual collections need to know about the role of new technology in collection management.Digitisation offers unprecedented opportunities for access to historical materials. But how can it be combined with established preservation methods in an integrated strategy, to ensure optimal access today as well as in the future?In this 5-day workshop, the characteristics of film, video and soundrecordings and the different recording systems and devices will be reviewed.Specific requirements for their handling and preservation will be related tothe nature and function of different kinds of audiovisual materials. The workshop will explore the different transfer and conversion methods,technical requirements in relation to quality, and long-term management of digital files. Issues will be approached as management problems, and due attention will be given to aspects like needs assessment, setting priorities, planning, budgeting and outsourcing, and project management. Participants will acquire knowledge of technical issues that will enable them to make informed decisions about the role of digitisation in care and management of audiovisual collections. The speakers will present outlines of issues and practical cases, and a substantial part of the workshops will bespent on discussions and group assignments to develop participants' skills in finding their own solutions.

Target group:All those responsible for audiovisual collections in archives, museums, libraries. For this introductory course, no specific technical expertise is required.The workshop will be in English. Participants are expected to have a working knowledge of English in order to participate in discussions.

Organisation:European Commission on Preservation and Access, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The workshops are supported by the Culture 2000-programme of the EU as partof the TAPE project.

Venue: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam. Registration fee:600 euros, this includes coffees, teas, lunches and a course pack with reading materials. Participants from institutes who are TAPE partners orECPA contributors will pay 500 euros.

How to apply:For online registration: www.tape-online.net/courses.html
The registration deadline is 9 February 2007.By 20 February you will be informed whether your application has been accepted. In view of the character of the workshops which require group work and active participation, the number of participants is limited. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places a selection will be made. Preference will be given to those applicants who manage anaudiovisual collection. A detailed programme will be mailed after confirmation.

For more information on the workshop contact the ECPA:European Commission on Preservation and Access (ECPA) c/o KNAW, P.O. Box19121, NL-1000 GC Amsterdam visiting address: Trippenhuis,Kloveniersburgwal 29,NL-1011 JV Amsterdam, The Netherlandstel. ++31 - 20 - 551 08 39 fax ++31 - 20 - 620 49 41
URL: http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/


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