
As I have now left Leicester for (unfortunately not quite so) sleepy (as it once was) Suffolk, I no longer have access to super-speedy broadband and am now reliant on a wind-up, steam-powered dial-up connection, Attic updates might be few and far between for the next few weeks. But, to keep you going, here's some recent conference alerts and calls for papers.

From H-Museum:

Sculpture and the Museum
Henry Moore Institute Leeds
2 - 3 February 2007

This two-day international conference brings together academics, curators,architects, artists, designers and museum professionals to discuss the role of sculpture and its display in the museum and gallery. It aims to look above all at the reasons behind the choices of particular works and their placement; identifying and exploring the programmatic statements of power,prestige and symbolic value which sculpture has been used to signpost over recent centuries.How does sculpture signal an institution’s (or an individual’s) public aspirations; how does it denote culture, learning or modernity? How doessculpture affirm or challenge an established reputation? What kind ofcomparisons can be drawn between sculpture displays in art museums and galleries and those in other types of museums?

Friday 2nd February 2007

Past and Present: The John Flaxman Gallery at University College London
Pauline Hoath (Bergen University)

Italian Renaissance Sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: The EarlyYears
Marietta Cambareri (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

The Role of Sculpture in the '17th-century Collector's Study' and 'Chamberof Wonders' at the Walters Art Museum
Joaneath Spicer (Walters Art Museum)

The Elephant in the Room: George Grey Barnard's Struggle of the Two Natures in Man at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thayer Tolles (The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

The Sultanganj Buddha and the Buddha Gallery at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Suzanne MacLeod (University of Leicester)

Exhibiting Animal Sculpture: a challenge
Emmanuelle Heran (Musee d'Orsay)

Saturday 3rd February 2007

"The Greatest Sculpture Gallery in the World": The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again?) of the Duveen Sculpture Galleries at Tate Britain
Christopher Marshall (University of Melbourne)

Tate Modern Series: Six Years of Artist's Commissions at Tate Modern
Wouter Davidts (Ghent University)

Sculptures as Museum Models: Malvina Hoffman's Races of Mankind Display at the Field Museum of Natural History
Marianne Kinkel (Washington State University)

How do we interpret sculpture on display? New questions raised by plastercasts for the masses at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, 1854.
Kate Nichols (Birkbeck College, University of London)

Rodin: the construction of an image
Antoinette Normand-Romain (INHA, Paris; ex-Rodin Museum, Paris)

Adopting Moore and modernity in Toronto: controversy, reputation and intervention on display
Sarah Stanners (University of Toronto)

Conference fee: £20 (£10 concessions)
To register please contact Ellen Tait by email ( or by post to: Henry Moore Institute, 74 The Headrow, Leeds, LS1 3AH.


Things that Move: The Material Worlds of Tourism and Travel
Leeds, United Kingdom
19 - 23 July, 2007

Whatever the prophecies of 'virtual' reality, we inhabit and move through the 'real' world of objects. Though tourism and travel are bound to concepts of time and space, they are also rooted in the material world - a tangible world of places, things, edifices, buildings, monuments and 'stuff'. The relationships we develop and share with these things varies from the remote to the intimate, from the transient to the lasting and from the passive to the passionate. Within the practices of tourism and its use (and non-use) of the material world, and, though the act of travel, objects are given meaning,status, and are endowed with symbolism and power. Objects construct,represent and even define the tourist experience. Our journeys through the world of objects generate a plethora of emotions - pleasure,attachment, belonging, angst, envy, exclusion, loathing and fear - and feedon-going discourse and narratives. Moreover, through tourism, and our touristic encounters, the material world itself is challenged and changed.

In this, our fifth annual international research conference, we seek to explore the multi-faceted relationships between tourism and material culture- the built environment, infrastructures, consumer and household goods, art,souvenirs, ephemera and landscapes. As in previous events, the conference aims to provoke critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and epistemologies and thus we welcome papers from the following disciplines:aesthetics, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art and design history,cultural geography, cultural studies, ethnology and folklore,history, heritage studies, landscape studies, linguistics, museum studies,philosophy, political sciences, sociology, tourism studies and urban/spatial planning.

Key themes of interest to the conference include:. Histories, mobilities, and the symbolic/political economies of tourism objects. The dialectics of tourism objects and places / spaces. Structures / infrastructures of international tourism - building /architecture / design for tourism and tourists. Aesthetics of objects in a touristic context. Tourist art and art for tourists. The performance of material culture in the tourism realm. Language and the translation of objects in tourism. The tourist souvenir - commodity fetishism and religious relics. The tourist object as metaphor and memory. Ownership, display and interpretation - contested pasts and presents. Curating for tourism - collecting the worlds of the tourist. Overcoming the material through the virtual - future realms of tourist experience

Please submit your 300 word abstract including a title and full contact details as an electronic file to Professor MikeRobinson( ) as soon as possible but no later than March 23rd 2007.


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