CFP/Publications: Material Culture Review

From H-Material Culture:

Call for Submissions:

Material Culture Review invites submission of new research from the field of material culture including, cultural history, public history, art history, geography, archaeology, anthropology, architecture and intangible cultural heritage. The editors encourage submissions from graduate students and scholars at any phase of their professional career, professionals and historians from the art and museum world and from independent scholars with an interest in material culture.

The editors are currently interested in developing theme issues around the following topics:

Labour and Material Culture
Religious Material Culture
Needle Work: Knitting, Embroidery and Crocheting
Material Culture of Agriculture
First Nations Material Culture
Intangible Cultural Heritage
Inventorying Culture
Cultural Tourism
The Virtual Museum
Vernacular Architecture

We would welcome expressions of interest in guest editing an issue relating to any of the aforementioned themes.

MCR is distributed to more than 250 universities, research institutes, museums and libraries, in thirty countries. Submission information and guidelines can be found on-line at


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