PhD related hallucinations

I am not sure if there has been any research carried out into PhD-related hallucinations and obsessions (and terribly for a professional researcher I am too lazy... um too BUSY to Google it) however it has been a random feature of my PhD life in Leicester for there to be several random sightings of strange faces appearing in fruit.  First there was the famous sighting of Mother Teresa in the strawberry [ed. to add link] and now comes this rather odd face which appeared in a piece of pineapple from University-catering.  Trouble is I cannot tell whether the face is looking cheerful or disturbed!  Probably the latter.


The Attic said…
It's expressing horror and fear. It *is* about to be eaten, afterall.
Ceri said…
well I would have kept it but that would have just been silly...
Anna said…
I think the Mother Teressa strawberry was kept for a while Ceri!
The Attic said…
St Teresa of the Strawberry lives on in our memories.

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