A couple of things for Bonfire Night...

From H-ArtHist:

Call for Papers
7th Annual Graduate Humanities Forum Conference
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
February 22-23, 2007
Deadline for proposals: December 15, 2006

Keynote Speaker: Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Professor of PerformanceStudies, New York University
Keynote address: "Old Histories, New Itineraries: Museum of the History ofPolish Jews"

The Graduate Humanities Forum, a graduate student-run division of the PennHumanities Forum, seeks papers for its interdisciplinary conference onthis year's theme, Travel. We encourage interdisciplinary approaches andwelcome proposals that consider any facet of this topic. In addition toformal papers, we encourage proposals for art displays, performances,panels, group discussions, short seminars, or workshops. Contributions from all fields in the humanities and sciences will be appreciated.Possible topics may include:TourismMuseums and sites of memoryPostmodern excursionsPostcolonial voyagesSociology/anthropology of travelArt and film on the roadMigration, emigration, exile, forced displacementGeographies of the novel, travel writing, literature and travelExperiences of travelersPilgrimages, crusades, grand tours, voyages of discoveryTraveling theoryEpic journeysTime/Space TravelMobility and language changeMetaphors, allegory, and translationGlobalization

The deadline for proposals is December 15, 2006. E-mail abstracts of nomore than 200 words to Joseph Benatov, Penn Humanities Research Assistant, benatov@sas.upenn.edu Notification of acceptances will be emailedby January 5, 2007.


From H-Museum:

Symposium VIII on synthetic materials in art and design
Zollverein School of Management and Design, Zeche Zollverein, Essen
20-21 November 2006

Making the future todayPractical experience - for practical applicationsI
n a museum context, the preservation and maintenance of objects made fromsynthetic materials poses a particular challenge. This two-day symposiumwill address the manufacture and application of synthetics as key topicsalong with proper handling and conservation in private and publiccollections."The future is being made today"Taking this point of view, the symposium will address the topic of syntheticmaterials in an interdisciplinary fashion from a range of perspectives.In response to the ongoing boom in the use of synthetics since themid-1990s, the spotlight will be directed toward current trends in designand development. The emphasis is less on the past and more on the presentand future. Designers like Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec will talk about currentprojects, furnishing in-depth insights into the selection of materials andapplications. In addition, the plastics manufacturing industry asrepresented by BASF will demonstrate current research efforts and visions.The rapid development in the synthetics market opens up new perspectives toboth artists and conservators in the development of conservation strategiesand methods. In connection with the current exhibits at ENTRY 2006 organisedby the Ausstellungsgesellschaft Zeche Zollverein Essen (www.entry-2006.de),case studies from the fields of conservation and newly developed syntheticproducts will be investigated and presented.The goal of the symposium is to form an interdisciplinary platform fordiscussion and cooperation facilitating professional-level exchange anddialogue. The programme is geared toward all those interested in syntheticmaterials in the fields of art and design.The definitive programme should be available by end-October. The symposium language is English. The participation fee of 135 euros - 75 euros forstudents - includes symposium materials and concluding documentation, aswell as 2x lunch and refreshments.Information requests & registration should be submitted no later than 13November 2006 to:Alexa Tepen, alexa.tepen@design-museum.de or tel.: +49 (0)7621 702 3153.


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