Review on Jeanette's Seminar (11th Dec. 06)

Review on Jeanette Atkinson’s Research Seminar (11th December 2006)
By Lena Lee
Jeanette’s seminar on holistic review of her research methodology was a very interesting seminar which keeps me awake and focus on the main subject. It was the last seminar series of the year and the finale of 2006 was an academic essential of all PhD research.
Incredibly there are loads of written materials on research plan and methodologies in every disciplines but it is also interesting to point out that these books are many but we have to pick exactly what we need to read and apply onto our research for the museum sake. What the most useful thing for museum studies students (presumably the student are all of us who are studying under the discipline of MS) can be the seminar like Jeanette gave us. Pragmatic, MS driven, and of course vigorously made by MS researcher.
As a PhD student in the multi-disciplines of humanities, social sciences and etcetera, the rigorous research mythology is a very requisite item that we need to equip and so Jeanette’s methodology on her field work in New Zealand seems to provide a very good opportunity to review their own projects for PhDs.
Jeanette reviewed the entire process of the research from the very beginning and so, I assume, it would give all first and second year phds an appropriate advice for preparing their fieldworks. Not only for those whose first and second year up for the planning their research, but also for me (or someone who is at the last stage of their PhD), the seminar gives a timely chance to review my own research design.
Particularly the part that Jeanette plans to contact with the interviewees after the completion of the research reminds me exactly what I have to do right now. Researchers who want to keep the contacts or intellectual networks with those key informants identified during the research definitely need to take more action after the fieldwork, and so the idea Jeanette posed is just right on time!
I, personally, really enjoyed the entire seminar alongside with the fabulous photos of New Zealand. As a PhD student, I hope to see more seminars like Jeanette’s one next term as well, and I strongly believe that the more phd students’ research (or fieldwork) experiences shared with other students, the stronger research design and plan can be made by each one of us as post graduate researchers!
I would like to give you a big thanks to Jeanette and also to those who contribute themselves to organise this series of seminars.
Thank you to all!
By Lena Lee
Jeanette’s seminar on holistic review of her research methodology was a very interesting seminar which keeps me awake and focus on the main subject. It was the last seminar series of the year and the finale of 2006 was an academic essential of all PhD research.
Incredibly there are loads of written materials on research plan and methodologies in every disciplines but it is also interesting to point out that these books are many but we have to pick exactly what we need to read and apply onto our research for the museum sake. What the most useful thing for museum studies students (presumably the student are all of us who are studying under the discipline of MS) can be the seminar like Jeanette gave us. Pragmatic, MS driven, and of course vigorously made by MS researcher.
As a PhD student in the multi-disciplines of humanities, social sciences and etcetera, the rigorous research mythology is a very requisite item that we need to equip and so Jeanette’s methodology on her field work in New Zealand seems to provide a very good opportunity to review their own projects for PhDs.
Jeanette reviewed the entire process of the research from the very beginning and so, I assume, it would give all first and second year phds an appropriate advice for preparing their fieldworks. Not only for those whose first and second year up for the planning their research, but also for me (or someone who is at the last stage of their PhD), the seminar gives a timely chance to review my own research design.
Particularly the part that Jeanette plans to contact with the interviewees after the completion of the research reminds me exactly what I have to do right now. Researchers who want to keep the contacts or intellectual networks with those key informants identified during the research definitely need to take more action after the fieldwork, and so the idea Jeanette posed is just right on time!
I, personally, really enjoyed the entire seminar alongside with the fabulous photos of New Zealand. As a PhD student, I hope to see more seminars like Jeanette’s one next term as well, and I strongly believe that the more phd students’ research (or fieldwork) experiences shared with other students, the stronger research design and plan can be made by each one of us as post graduate researchers!
I would like to give you a big thanks to Jeanette and also to those who contribute themselves to organise this series of seminars.
Thank you to all!
I do have some photos of Jeanette in full flight, but as yet I haven't been able to upload them to Lena's post. Damn you stupid dial-up connection! It may have to wait until I'm back in Leicester. Sorry :(