Free workshop: Global Cities and the Creative Economy

Young Researchers and Postgraduate Workshop Cities and the Creative Economy
Annual GaWC lecture: “Global Cities and the Creative Economy” Andy C Pratt, Professor of Culture, Media and Economy, centre for Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI), King’s College London
28th April, 2010, Loughborough University
The Globalization and World City Research Centre (GaWC), based in the Geography Department at Loughborough University is hosting a workshop for young researchers and postgraduates on the creative economy and the city. We will be looking for presentations that explore the role of the creative economy in the production of cities through globalization, and the outcomes that this has on those who occupy the urban environment.
Since the end of the last century, the political drive for, and the academic interrogation of, the creative economy has accelerated immensely, catalysed by the march of information technologies. Cities have traditionally been viewed as the crucible of innovative economic activities and culture and as such, they constantly change their governance structures to accommodate particular people, firms, ideas and environments. Alongside this there is a discussion of cities as showcases of culture, or, as cultural powerhouses themselves. Narratives such as the creative (and/or the cultural) industries, the creative class and regional innovation systems have aided (and in some cases hindered) the development of world cities and the world city network. In doing so practitioners have adhered to these narratives and created places that are conducive to creative economic activity, and new networks of city connectivity. This is added to the longer term practices of presenting cities as ‘works of art’, or as the sources of cultural expression. Of course, there are tensions between culture/creativity and its ‘uses’ (instrumentalism); which in turn, raises is the issue of ‘whose culture?’ and ‘whose economy?’
Call for papers
We invite presentations from postgraduates and young researchers which deal with this topic. Suggested themes could be, but are in no way limited to:
• Critical perspectives on the Creative Class thesis • Creative industries development in the city • The role of technology in enabling creativity • Creativity and the materiality of cities
• Case studies of particular creative locales, cities or sectors • Creative economic activities across the world city network • Tensions of place marketing and branding versus the cultural economy
On the day of the workshop, GaWC will also host their annual lecture, which this year will be delivered by Andy C Pratt, Professor of Culture, Media and the Economy from the Centre for Culture, Media and Creative Industries (CMCI) at King’s College London. Professor Pratt is a leading academic and international policy advisor on cities and the creative economy and his talk will complement the themes of the workshop.
The workshop will be on the 28th of April 2010. Please email abstracts of no more than 250 words to or by 5th March 2010. The workshop is FREE and lunch and refreshments will be provided. There will also be some travel subsidies available to presenters, although this cannot be guaranteed for all applicants. Hence, please indicate in your email why you require funding and we will make decisions based on all applicants.
