Museum Education Newsletter

Are you currently researching or evaluating any aspect of museum education
or interpretation? Do you know someone who is?

If so, MUSEUM EDUCATION MONITOR (MEM), the monthly e-newsletter, would like
to list the work in our upcoming February 2010 issue. We welcome listings by
museum workers, consultants, faculty, and students at all levels of study.

To assist these research efforts, MEM continues to offer a free introductory
one-year subscription to any student in a museum education-related course or
program. Complimentary subscriptions are also available to those museum
educators who are currently unwaged. Visit for details.

To share research or evaluation with others around the world, please send an
e-mail to that includes:
- name of project
- question(s) [no more than 50 words, please]
- how the data will be presented
- principal researcher(s)/ evaluator(s)
- site(s) where research is being conducted
- time span
- contact information
- key words/labels to describe the project [no more than 4 or 5, please].
For possible labels from past listings, see the MEM blog, "FORUM:
Research and Resources in Museum Education" at

All listings are free of charge and displayed in their language of
origin. Deadline for the February MEM is Friday, February 19.

FYI, research listings in the January 2010 MEM include:
- Museum Activity Guides (USA)
- More Than A Meal: The Impact of Museum Dining on the Visitor's Museum
Experience (USA)
- Science Museum: Collecting Stories Project (UK)
- plus updates on a score of recent theses and dissertations!
Contact me at to request a complimentary copy of this

Please get in touch for more information about this call or to discuss your
research. I look forward to hearing from you!

M. Christine Castle, Editor, Museum Education Monitor
For more information about Museum Education Monitor or to subscribe see
