Cambridge Classics Seminars

D-Caucus Seminars
Lent Term 2010

Tuesdays at 4.30pm Room 1.04 Faculty of Classics (Sidgwick Site), Cambridge.
All Welcome.

Two worlds colliding?: the relationships between Classics and Museums
organised by Dr Kate Cooper, Fitzwilliam Museum.

26th January Professor Robin Cormack (Courtauld Institute of Art & Faculty of Classics, Cambridge)
Perspectives from the outside: curating temporary loan exhibitions at the Royal Academy and elsewhere.

2nd February Dr Susan Walker (Keeper of Antiquities, Ashmolean Museum)
Change and flow: the new Ashmolean

9th February Dr Lucilla Burn (Keeper of Antiquities, Fitzwilliam Museum)
How do the Greek and Roman collections of the Fitzwilliam Museum and their display relate to the study of Classics?

16th February Dr Andrew Burnett (Deputy Director, The British Museum)
International issues and museums today

23rd February Dr Roger Bland (Head of the Department of Portable Antiquities and Treasure, The British Museum)
A license to loot or archaeological rescue? The Portable Antiquities Scheme in England and Wales

2nd March Dr Timothy Potts (Director, The Fitzwilliam Museum)
Museums and the preservation of archaeological heritage: past practice and future prospects

In addition. a seminar on Italian Archaeology is planned for 9th March details will be circulated later in the term.

Dr Kate Cooper
AHRC Research Associate
Department of Antiquities
The Fitzwilliam Museum
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1RB
Tel: 01223 764404 (direct); 01223 332900 (switchboard)
Messages to the list are archived at


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