CFP: Migration, Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in History

From H-Museum:

Call for Papers

Baltimore, MD
June 5-8, 2008

The relentless thrust of globalization and the unexpected termination of the Cold War have increased rather than reduced global tensions. These developments force us to reconsider some themes once thought to be exhausted. Migrations, the formation of diaspora communities, and the resurgence of ethnicities, both old and new, have transformed conventional conceptions of the nation-state.

With such considerations in mind, the Historical Society is pleased to announce that the organizing theme for 6th conference, scheduled for early June 2008, will be "Migration, Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in History." The conference will be held in Baltimore, Maryland. We envision a meeting in which historians across fields come together to deepen and enrich the state of knowledge about these vital concerns.

Franklin W. Knight will chair the 2008 conference program committee.

Please send 6 copies of your proposal--no more than 2 pages--accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae to

2008 Conference
The Historical Society
656 Beacon Street, Mezzanine
Boston, MA 02215

Proposals will not be accepted via e-mail. The deadline for proposals is May 20, 2007.
Questions? Email us at or call (617) 358-0260.

Joseph Lucas
The Historical Society
656 Beacon St., Mezzanine
Boston, MA 02215
Fax: 617-358-0250
Phone: 617-358-0260


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