Webcasts: Hurricane Katrina and Material Culture

Just what I asked for - more webcasts. Fantastic!

The following gives details of a series of lectures and simultaneous webcasts that will be held on Monday, April 23, 2007, at the Smithsonian on Hurricane Katrina and material culture.

"Breaching a Living & Material Culture: The Ravages of Hurricane Katrina"

The Smithsonian Forum on Material Culture, 77th Quarterly Meeting, April 23, 2007, Baird Auditorium, National Museum of Natural History (NMNH), Smithsonian Institution

LIVE WEBCAST of the entire event will be available at: http://www.si.edu/research/webcasts/
Please note: the webcast can be viewed live beginning at 3:00pm, April 23, 2007 and it will be archived for viewing after the event, as well.

KEYNOTE ADDRESS, 3:00-4:00pm
"Back from Atlantis: A New Orleans Story in Words and Pictures," Chris Rose, Columnist, The New Orleans Times-Picayune and Author of "1 dead in attic."

- "Looking for Katrina," David Shayt, Associate Curator, & Hugh Talman, Staff Photographer, both National Museum of American History, Smithsonian

- "Putting Mega-Catastrophic Disasters in Perspective," Larry Reger, President, Heritage Preservation

- "Preparing for the Unthinkable," Eryl Wentworth, Executive Director, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works

- "Preserving What Remains," Kathe Hambrick, Executive Director, River Road African American Museum (Donaldsonville, LA)

- "Culture Work as a Centripetal Force: The Regenerative Role of Museums, Culture-Bearers, and Cultural Policy in New Orleans after Katrina," Carole Rosenstein, Rockefeller Humanities Fellow, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian

Moderated by: Pherabe Kolb, Senior Program Officer, Office of the Deputy Secretary, Smithsonian, and Founder of the Smithsonian New Orleans Group

Program Organizers: Anne Goodyear, Assistant Curator of Prints and Drawings, National Portrait Gallery; Ann Juneau, Head, Department of Science, Smithsonian Libraries; Bill Tompkins, National Collections Coordinator, National Collections Program

Material Culture Forum, Katrina Program Sub-Committee: Stephanie Hornbeck, Chair; Amelia Goerlitz, Events Coordinator; Cassandra Good, Steering Committee Member

This program has been made possible by the generous support from within the Smithsonian Institution by the following: Richard Kurin, Director, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage; the National Museum of African American History and Culture; the National Collections Program; and Marc Bretzfelder, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Web Services Division.


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