reCollections: Journal of the National Museum of Australia
Hopefully you will be able to access this link to a new journal produced by the National Museum of Australia. It will primarily emphasise Australian contributions but the journal will also publish articles which "invite international comparisons and transcend regional concerns."
More from the website: Who needs a new journal of museums and collections? This is a fair question, best answered in the journal's primary aim: to provide a rapid means of publishing research in (and on) museums and collections, and thereby stimulate awareness and encourage discussion of issues across the field. The field is defined broadly to encompass two main areas: museology and museum practice; and material history, the history and interpretation of objects, and the social and environmental history of material culture.
More from the website: Who needs a new journal of museums and collections? This is a fair question, best answered in the journal's primary aim: to provide a rapid means of publishing research in (and on) museums and collections, and thereby stimulate awareness and encourage discussion of issues across the field. The field is defined broadly to encompass two main areas: museology and museum practice; and material history, the history and interpretation of objects, and the social and environmental history of material culture.