CFP: Diversity in Heritage Conservation: Tradition, Innovation and Participation

From H-Museum:

Call for Papers
Diversity in Heritage Conservation: Tradition, Innovation and Participation
ICOM-CC 15th Triennial Meeting
New Delhi, India
September 22-26, 2008

The call for paper and additional information in English, French and Spanish are available at:

I would like to ask those who are interested in submitting abstracts concerning wood, furniture and lacquer (ICOM-CC-Wood, Furniture, Lacquer) to send the completed abstract templates to my yahoo address ( ), no later than April 13, 2007. Please indicate in your message subject the following reference (ICOM-CC15th Triennial Meeting abstract templates). May you kindly forward my message to other colleagues specialized in the subject? As you know ICOM-CC-Wood, Furniture, Lacquer covers all areas of wood such as wooden objects, wooden furniture, ethnographic wood (totem, poles, and soon), coloured and painted wood, turned wood, gilded wood, structural wood, archaeological wood, wood technology, wood sciences as well as identification, testing, examination and experimentation methods. All forms of lacquer (either on wood or on ceramic) are also included. The WG covers related restoration and conservation materials and methods such as cleaning, consolidation, coating materials and methods, and so on. All the specialists, conservators, scientists, technicians, art historians,archaeologists, curators, architects, engineers, and other professionals,all of whom work in the conservation and restoration of wood, furniture,l acquer and related materials can submit their abstracts. I am looking forward to receiving your abstracts.

With my best wishes


Prof. Dr. Hany Hanna
Elected Coordinator, ICOM-CC-Wood, Furniture and Lacquer.
Mobile No.: +2-012-4176742
