Greetings from snowy Sweden!

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update from the NaMu conference in Sweden that 4 of the Leicester PhD students are presenting at! So far Anna presented today about how the German national museums are presenting ideas about the Holocaust. Anna called for more connection to the wider audience. Lena's paper on the New National Museum of Korea also considered the question of audiences and their expectations of National Museums and the message of the 'Nation'. Wednesday we have Mette and Sally presenting, so hopefully more updates soon!

Många Hälsningar från Sverige

Anna, Lena & Anna xxx


The Attic said…
Ahoy there!

Glad to hear you all made it and that Lena and Anna survived their presentations (not that I ever doubted they would, of course). From the tone of your message it sounds like you're all having a great time. Looking forward to the next update! Sending positive vibes in Sally and Mette's direction...

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